

Financial Work

Director of Finance

I currently hold the Director of Finance position in the Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity at Seattle U, where I manage fraternal budgeting, portfolio management, and have taken on presentation design manager. With weekly meetings and 50+ members, the importance of efficient communication and meeting design is stressed. The collaboration of business minds can be a difficult but rewarding process if communication is effective and inclusive. While I mainly manage the market trading and funds for the organization, my membership has equipped me with the broader skills necessary to lead a diverse group of minds to a common financial goal.

Budget Manager

I was hired as Budget Manager for the Undergraduate Leadership program after showcasing my financial and accounting knowledge with our advisory professor. Since taking the position, I have crafted a simple and practical budgeting spreadsheet that allows for collaborative input between me and the faculty advisor while ensuring accurate and efficient bookkeeping. The spreadsheet is ever-changing, and allows me to exercise my proficiency is data visualization and storytelling.


During my time as director of finance, I have become a well-rounded and informed investor. My coursework in investments and financial planning have provided me with a solid background in the fundamentals of finance, and I continue to expand my skillset with new investment strategies. When handling the fraternal portfolio, I’ll use a top-down approach with a focus on low-risk, high-dividend securities to ensure a safe cash amount for our professional events and galas. When investing in my personal portfolio, I tend to buy mid-cap, high-growth securities and balance it with various indices to ensure I don’t fall too far below the market.